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Accurate online
conversations and dynamics

Accurate online
conversations and dynamics


Accurate online conversations failproof and devoid of miscommunication. ChatCoach provides a grip on the effects of online communication, learning and development.

Demo is free of charge.

What is ChatCoach?

Our learning route takes you further.

Jeanette Krijnen

Jeanette Krijnen


From pioneer to expert

In 2002, I discovered that real-time written interventions had a different impact compared to face-to-face interactions. Starting in 2005, I developed the concept of ChatCoach with the aim of promoting adequate and accessible person-centred organisational development. By 2008, ChatCoach was launched as the first provider of both e-interventions and an extension of the coaching arsenal, as well as software to support hybrid coaching programmes. Together with two co-authors, I wrote a book in 2005 about online workplace coaching. The online conversation techniques have enhanced my quality as a facilitator in face-to-face meetings.
* Book + CD June 2009: ChatCoach; a coach at every workplace - Gerda Peppenster, Ferrie Veen, Jeanette Krijnen. Publisher Gelling Publishing EAN 9789078440253

About ChatCoach

ChatCoach’s building blocks are the research results* of the ChatCoach methodology and the applied expertise from about 15 years of online and hybrid (meaning online and in-person) guidance of individuals and groups. Over time, ChatCoach has expanded its expertise across various online communication channels to promote professional, vital, and effective online conversation techniques. These include deferred interaction via email, online doctor portals, and company portals, as well as real-time online interaction through video consultations, video meetings or conferences, and various web chats. In 2022, professionals will almost unequivocally reach their (internal) clients online. With the adoption of the ChatCoach methodology, online dialogues are proven effective and experienced as personal and close.
* Research March 2010: Chat coaching. A meaningful form of online coaching. Myra Ponte, Tilburg University. Drs. Alexander Waringa, Tilburg University


See what ChatCoach has to offer.



ChatCoach 2.1


Remote and hybrid learning, working and development require coordination at multiple levels.
ChatCoach is a partner in setting up development projects or delivering interventions to guarantee quality, vitality and continuity. We guide you or your organisation into a custom-designed transition with in-person to hybrid programmes that include and monitor necessary behavioral changes.

With monitored control on the output, your organisation’s management will be able to empower everyone while letting the reins loose, on the basis of trust.

ChatCoach gives you an immediate advantage on all strategic, tactical and operational levels by further increasing your level of professionalism through face-to-face, hybrid and remote deployment.


A train-the-trainer approach is the only truly beneficial and effective way to transfer expertise and insure success at all levels. Miscommunication and misinterpretation in online communication causes a plethora of problems. Often, the necessity for real human contact gets dismissed, excused by the hurdles and obligations of daily life and professional demands. Sometimes, moving from in-person conversations and their directness to their online alternative, will be accompanied by attendance drop-out, usually because of participants feeling unseen. In our training courses, you, as a professional, will learn the essence and best practices in creating, compiling and supervising online and blended learning processes and programmes. Use the expertise of ChatCoach to be personal and involved from meta to the interactive level, even remotely!

Software 1.0 copy

ChatCoach 2.1 Software

From 2010 to 2020, ChatCoach has worked with licenses supported by trained collaborating coaches.

As of March 2023, ChatCoach has further focused on online guidance via various communication channels. Licenses of ChatCoach 2.1 software facilitate secure online learning, working and development.
Discover how transformation and insight are supported through chat, video calling and specific interventions.

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ChatCoach 2.1 Software

Support online learning with ease

Licenses of ChatCoach 2.1 software facilitate secure online learning, working and development. Through chat, video calling and specific interventions, transformation and insights are supported.

The expertise of ChatCoach as a software supplier guarantees: safety, quality and convenience.

We believe that joint design and development of products and services give the most return and pleasure in daily practice. We invite everyone to join us and get the best out of ourselves.

Hoe werkt het?

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Frequently asked questions

We help anyone who wants to get more out of online communication and dynamics and wants to professionalize in this.

ChatCoach is renewing itself.

  • Our training courses for professional e-coaching are fully customized.
  • Request a quote for the new ChatCoach software by making contact.
  • Ask for all possibilities, make contact and we deliver a detailed offer. 

Results after one ChatCoach session 

  • More faith in one's own abilities
  • More able to show what one can do
  • More satisfaction with what has been achieved

  • Significantly clearer view on the development issue
  • No effect occurred in the control group with face-to-face coachees.
  • After completion of the chat coach session, the expectations regarding the coaching session were exceeded.

Read more information here

Depending on the objective, the training courses vary in time investment.

The training courses are hybrid or fully remote. The time investment depends on the program and amounts to between 8 to 16 hours spread over several days and including study assignments.

The training courses are intended for guidance professionals, general practitioners, social workers, coaches and trainers, HRM professionals and managers who also use themselves online in contact with their employees or internal and external customers.
In short, professionals who:

  • email
  • lead meetings
  • designing programs in which human behavior is essential
  • helping people develop
  • want to promote transformation
  • communicate in online portals

And want to coordinate, sharpen and strengthen their communication.

Is your approach based on chance, dexterity, knowledge or ingrained experience? 

We like to get stuck into issues in the field of:

  • compiling and redesigning face-to-face to effective hybrid or fully remote training
  • giving tips & tricks in doing online interventions (mail, chat, video calling, learning trajectories etc.)
  • training the chairs, facilitators, or moderators to refresh and further professionalise their excisting online meeting routines.
  • how do we get more out of our current onboarding process?

Use the expertise of ChatCoach to be personal and involved from meta level to interaction level. Also remotely.

ChatCoach software is intuitive. A contemporary coach will be able to use this practically without training. While online an online miss can have more consequences than you might think. With our training you are up-to-date in doing effective e-interventions.

The renewed licences are fact, but not our priority. We are happy to train professionals in doing effective e-interventions! Do you take a training? Then you automatically get an interesting discount on the software.

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